Life & Photography Update: Fall 2016


Hello! I know it’s been beyond a long time since I updated this blog, I unfortunately needed a break almost from everything art related, because I had burned out. Creatively, mentally, emotionally and physically I was drained and sick. Running on empty. It was like murphy’s law anything that could go wrong did.  The good news is now I’m back to creating and hopefully I will continue to document my creative adventures in some form or another.


  Here are some of my most recent completed projects.

If any of you want to stay more up to date with my work the best places to follow me are listed below!!






Prints for sale and more!

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Okay so i’m back home for the summer which means I’ve finally had the time to do a massive overhaul on my store on society6.  This means there’s tons of new photowork up for sale, as prints, phone cases, t-shirts, and lots more!! Check it out here if you want.

Creative Habit Week 4 & The end of This Blog??

Day 21 – Watercolors (Thursday)

Link (x)

Completed: in an hour

I think this got a bit muddled but ah well.

Day 22 – Video Distortion

Link (x)

Completed 45 minutes


Day 23 – Light Effects

Day 24 – Zombies!!

as an sfx makeup artist i’m surprised i didn’t do this sooner, . Ironically enough the one I found on Lynda featured the season 2 winner of the show FaceOff.  

Completed 1 hour 7 minutes

Tutorial link,(x)

I think I’ll stick to making people zombies before i take their picture….

Day 25 –  The Digital Sabattier Effect for Surreal Black and White Portraits

Link (x)

Completed: 53 minutes


Day 26 – 3D


Day 27 – Water Dispersion

Link (x)


Day 28 – Wrap up post

My Favorite outcomes from this project.

Okay so today marks the last day of the Creative Habit Project and Design for Media. This project helped me solidify my photo manipulation skills and find new non-commercial ways to edit my photographs. Overall I’m okay with it, but I’m ready for break from computer screens and deadlines. As far as the future for this blog I really have no clue how or even if it will be continued. So I’ll leave things open ended for now.

Creative Habit – Week 3



Day 15??

Link (x)


I hate this with the burning intensity of 1000 suns…

Day 16 – Retouching Skin

link (x)

completed 1 hour

Day 17 – Flames Everywhere – Take 2

link (x)

Completed 57 minutes

Day 18 – smoke

link (x)

completed 1 hour

Day 19 – Challenge day!

The collage i made took on a life of its own..

Completed 55 minutes


Day 20 – Sketch Effect

time ran out… I hope to finish this sometime..

link (x)


Alright so, this week for research we watched the documentary Bill Cunningham New York  It brought me back to the kinds of photography I did before coming to CCAD, and I really hope to get back to that style of photography. Hopefully I can incorporate that in my future works.

Creative Habit Week 2

Alright so this week for research we went to the art museum. Going into it I didn’t think I’d find anything related to my project but I was happily surprised when I found Robert Rauschenberg’s Carbird IV.  A work made almost entirely of photos mounted onto cardboard .

Day 8 –  Watercolor Texture

Completed 1 hour

tutorial link (x)

I don’t know how i feel about this one…

Day 9 – Abstract Photo Manipulation With Tree Bark ( Or I reached into the box of wrongs again)

Completed: 1 hour 6 minutes

tutorial link (x)

Day 10 – Dark landscape

Completed 55 minutes

Tutorial link (x)



Day 11 – Graffiti

Link (x)

Completed 50 minutes

Day 12 – Distorted Lady Figure Effect

Link (x)

Completed 1 hour

Day 13 – Lomography Mimic

link (x)

Completed 50 minutes – Not what I was hoping the final outcome would be if I revisit this image I hope to experiment with it some more.

 Day 14 – It’s electric

Link (x)

What I finished after an hour and a few minutes


Creative Habit – Week One – “The Trial Run”

an online tutorials final image and my takes on it

I don’t think my proposal post covered how/why I use tutorials to help better my skill set in post photo production.  After talking it over at the end of class on thursday it was decided that the 1st week of my creative habit would be a test run of sorts. The main goal I have for myself during this creative adventure in photoshop is to try and let go of all the patterns my brain seems to be stuck in when it comes to how you can use photoshop. Since as of right now I only edit in photoshop mostly for commercial work.

Below I’ve got some research and artist inspiration scanned from books at the library.

Taken from The Complete to Altered Imagery by Karen Michel &
Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland illustrated by Maggie Taylor.

Day 1 – Double Exposure Effect.

Completed: 1 hour

tutorial link (x)

The Tutorials Final Image  – My final image

Day 2 – Trapped In Spider Web.

Completed 50 minutes

tutorial link (x)



With the extra 10 minutes I had I made a gif

Day 3 – Fractal Dreamscape

Completed 50 Minutes

Tutorial Link (x)





Day 4 – I reached into the box of wrongs….

The image on the right is what i had done when the hour mark hit… not what I’d hoped

Tutorial Link (x)

Day 5 – Explosions in portraits


I took inspiration from this “Sandstorm” Action effect (x)

Obviously I’m not gonna use photoshop actions for this project. so I looked around for a similar effect, and found help from a mix of 2 tutorials online.

  link 1 & link 2

here’s my final image

Completed:  1 hour

Pixel day 5.jpg

Day 6 – Flames! Flames Everywhere!

Completed 1 hour

link (x)

Day 7 – Drift in Space

completed: 1 hour

tutorial link: (x)

Creative Habit – Project Proposal


A current photo manipulation of mine – in progress and the finished piece

One of the biggest areas I struggle with in photography is photo manipulation and editing, in both fine art and commercial practices.  Given the parameters for the Creative Habit Project it seemed like the perfect time to throw myself into photo manipulation with a lot less fear. Here is my plan and rules for the project.

  • Choose one photo tutorial to follow per day (e.g Lynda, PhotoshopLady, Youtube)
  •  If I don’t finish it in the daily time period given – That’s okay!
  • Incorporate my own photos (if possible)
  • Show the process in the blog post
  • Maybe make all the final images into a photo album, book or zine

Below are some examples of photo manipulations I did for my Digital Imaging class. The Project was to create Glitch Art. I did this by messing with my files in the program Audacity. This process is called Databending . Here is the link to the tutorial I used in case anyone’s interested – Databending using Audacity

Pipeline Project – Summary of What all I Did

Collected images & stills from the course of this project.

After about 6 weeks of work the Pipeline Project, “Sharp Sounds” is finally almost done!! With that said here is a summary of everything I ended up working on or helping out with

  • Headphone Construction & Paint Job
  • Head of SFX Makeup Concepts and Applications
  • Sharp Sounds found footage infomercial character who is then interviewed 20 years later

I’m so glad to finally finish this project. I learned so much about what goes into group projects and video projects, but I’m ready to move on to the next project, to try and learn new things, so with that said here’s the final project!

Sharp Sounds Fauxprah Giveaway

Sharp Sounds – Behind the Scenes.


Pipeline project – Interview Video Shoot

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Still from the interview video clip

Alright for the pipeline project this week I got a new job, I play an unfortunate sharp sounds user character. It started with me playing that overly clumsy character you see in the “before” section during an infomercial. Who then uses a pair of Sharp Sounds Headphones and thus gets hurt in the process…. then 20 years later when that footage is “found” I am interviewed and of course the headphones are still stuck…

Pipeline Project – Shooting day & SFX Application Stills

Headphone construction & paint job

Okay so this week for the pipeline “faux-prah” project we finished building and painting the headphones then began work on the video shoot.  My job for the video shoot was to do the practical effects on people for close up shots. In addition to the filler effects I tested in last week’s post, there were also some bigger effect applications pictured below.
